Conic and Conic Pro

Isoinertial work
Conical pulleys with adjustable load, for the isoinertial training of all muscle areas.

What are Conic and Conic Pro

Conic and Conic Pro are devices designed to train in an isoinertial way, strengthen and recover all muscle areas. They consist of two extremely versatile devices, which work proportionally to the strength applied on the machine, reducing in this way any risk of possible injury. Thanks to these devices it is possible to perform articulated movements such as the first strike of a sprint or direction changes, with an eccentric overload, to create useful adaptations for a specific activity.

The benefits of an isoinertial training with versatile devices such as Conic and Conic Pro:

  •  Progressive load application, with peak force at the end of the eccentric contraction.
  • The choice between aluminum weights for muscle recovery or steel weights for strength and power training.

How do they work

The main characteristic of Conic and Conic Pro, due to the inherent nature of the cone, is that the movement is accelerated with a progressive load.
In an isoinertial training machine such as Conic or Conic Pro, when you pull the rope and the muscle performs the concentric contraction, the flywheel gains speed and begins to accumulate energy, which increases as does the applied strength. Once the concentric contraction is complete, the subject must oppose the force of inertia which pulls the rope away, producing an eccentric contraction.
Basically, the action of the isoinertial device closely follows that of a sport gesture, i.e., when the body is forced to respond at the motor, neuromuscular and coordination level to sudden and not predetermined movements in a very short time.
Depending on the quantity of weights applied on the disc it is possible to modify the load and therefore, the difficulty of the exercise. There are 3 different conditions to exercise in:

  • Without weights
  • With 2 weights 
  • With 4 weights

Applicable weights on Conic are made of aluminum for a training centered on muscle recovery, while those on Conic Pro are made of steel to improve athletes’ power and strength in every muscle area.

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