FISIOWOMAN: a custom-made program

FISIOWOMAN: a custom-made program


FISIOWOMAN: a custom-made program

Nowadays, the biological variant is a fundamental element in providing patients with increasingly specific and targeted care. This is why Easytech proposes FISIOWOMAN, a project that offers excellent products, training, space management consulting, and communication strategies.

  • What are the most frequent conditions?
  • FISIOWOMAN rehabilitation
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FISIOWOMAN: a custom-made program


In women’s health, the biological variable is fundamental for promoting effective primary prevention and achieving early diagnosis and adequate therapeutic adherence. According to the most recent ISTAT data, the life expectancy of women in Italy is about 84 years. Consequently, a longer average life also requires targeted and specific care.

What are the most frequent conditions?

The most frequent and highest-risk conditions for women are the following:

  • OSTEOPOROSIS: according to the Ministry of Health, it affects about 5,000 people in Italy, 80% of whom are post-menopausal women. It has a huge negative impact on physical and psycho-emotional well-being and increases the risk of fractures from falls, impacts, or spontaneous fractures.
  • PELVIC FLOOR PATHOLOGIES: these are conditions that can affect several body districts, such as the bladder, uterus, vulva, and rectum and it is estimated that over 4 million women in Italy are affected by these pathologies.
  • BREAST CANCERS: these are the most common in women and, in Italy, account for about 30% of new female cancers each year (AIRC). Breast cancer mainly affects adult women with an average age, at the time of diagnosis, of about 60 years.
  • ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE: it is a neurodegenerative disease with a chronic and progressive course. The prevalence of this disease increases with age and the incidence is higher in women (Ministry of Health).
  • DISEASES RELATED TO THE INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM: diseases such as dermatitis, acne, fluid stagnation, pigmentation disorders, as well as imperfections such as scars, cellulite, and skin laxity, affect the quality of life.

FISIOWOMAN rehabilitation

A rehabilitation program that we have structured exclusively for you and your patients. It includes solutions that will help you convey your passion for the world of FISIOWOMAN rehabilitation with the right intention. Innovate your center’s offer by making it special and unique. We have created three customized sets to realize rehabilitation programs according to the latest guidelines of the field and the clinic expertise of our professors.

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Specific for the treatment of the integumentary system with the latest technologies and clinical methodologies that are always up-to-date, thanks to collaboration with prestigious universities and highly qualified professors.


  • T Care Compact XP: to treat, under medical indication, localized edema after surgery, drain any lymphatic stasis, and manage blemishes;
  • Radial shock waves: to improve skin tropism, reshape and reduce any algias given by scars and adhesions;
  • Thermocamera: infrared camera, for localizing and monitoring physiological and pathological processes;
  • Pressotherapy: for activating venous, arterial, and lymphatic circulation applied to areas of the body where congestion and stasis are caused by lymph node excisions or dense scarring;
  • Evergy line products: for functional training, composable and adaptable to the needs.


It includes functional training tools and specific physical means for improving biological tissues and maintaining one’s fitness level.


  • T Care Plus: for endogenous stimulation, which acts on biological tissues in a non-invasive way, activating from within and amplifying natural reparative and regenerative processes;
  • Minivector: a compact, multifunctional elastic resistance tool for early active re-education of the lower and upper limbs;
  • Cryo T: cryotherapy is indicated in all those stages of acute inflammation resulting from trauma and supports physiotherapy carried out with other methods in the later stages of rehabilitation;
  • Evergy line products: for functional training, modular to measure and as needed;
  • iPulley: loading system for training according to variable cable resistance, which adapts to the patient’s capacity.


An ecosystem of high-level technological tools and specific methodologies for pain modulation and biological tissue healing.


  • EmField Pro: inductive magnetic therapy for muscle strengthening and pain modulation, acting on the normalization of nervous system conduction;
  • T Care Plus Vag: for external and internal diathermy treatment to reduce pain, improve tissue and mucosal function as well as vascularize muscles with obvious draining and muscle relaxant effects (probes equipped with a temperature gauge for optimal and safe treatment);
  • Focal and radial shockwaves: for treatment of tendons, muscles, and trigger points, with regenerative action and the ability to manage modulation of nerve branches;
  • Vscan: portable ultrasound to assess the state of muscle recovery and the effectiveness of physical exercises performed in conjunction with the right technologies;
  • Evergy line products: for functional training, customizable and as needed.
  • BioStim: interactive biofeedback as a tool for conscious measurement and training of pelvic area muscles.

Would you like more information?

To learn more, contact us at  or call 055 8455216.

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